This is a general outline for the session and what I will be talking about.
- Introduction
- Reasons for using ddev
- Platforms ddev can run on:
- Windows using WSL2 – I will be discussing this use case
- Mac
- Linux
- Installing Docker on Ubuntu under WSL2 (using docker Desktop makes ddev slower)
- Installing ddev
- Installing Linux PHPstorm
- Configuring DDEV
- Advanced configuration options
- Installing Drupal
- Fresh install
- Make sure you do a composer require drush/drush
- Common contributed modules I usually install
- Installing a version of the site in git
- Composer install
- Drush deploy
- Fresh install
- Using DDEV
- ddev snapshot
- ddev import-db and ddev export-db for importing/exporting a database
- ddev drush cex (make sure you have the config directory set up)
- git workflow
- git add
- git commit
- git push
- git pull
- Starting the website
- PHPstorm
- Getting ready for debugging
- ddev xdebug on/off
- Slide/demo/video show PHPstorm in action to debug something.
- VSCode
- Debugging techniques
- Using drush php:cli to debug or test code
- Example workflow at Rutgers:
Insert sample workflow slide/demo