Protecting your site with Automatic Updates

Does keeping your Drupal sites up-to-date just take too much time? Is your site one of the many Drupal sites running outdated and possibly insecure versions of Drupal core? 

Come to this session to learn how the Automatic Updates module can help keep your site up-to-date with the latest security updates and make using Composer with a Drupal site easier. The 3rd generation of the Automatic Updates module has been released and is ready to use!

We will go over the hosting requirements for the module and help you determine if your hosting is compatible with Automatic Updates.  Additionally we will go over the advanced module setup to ensure your site is configured to run the updater in the most secure way possible, allowing your codebase to still be write-protected from the web server.

For developers, we will give examples of how you can customize the functionality of Automatic Updates with very little code.

The Automatic Updates module is being developed for Drupal core and we will also briefly go over the current likely time frame for core inclusion.


Beginner level knowledge of running and hosting a Drupal site.

Ted Bowman
Time Slot
4:00pm to 4:45pm (3/15/24)
Classroom 015 (Level 0)
Session Category
Development & Performance
Who Should Attend
Back-end Developers
Decision Makers
Site Builders
Sys Admins

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