Drupal be DAMed

In a digital world centered around visual experiences, managing substantial numbers of assets across multiple channels or platforms carries the risk of repetitive work, increased cost, diluted branding, unnecessary delays, poor accessibility, and team burnout. In this session, we’ll review key considerations for adopting a Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution to alleviate these pain points and how to create a single source of truth for your content. Together we’ll discuss key points for you to consider such as:

  • how to prepare for a DAM
  • ensuring scalability
  • capturing metadata and streamlining workflows
  • supporting accessibility
  • ease of integration and customization 
  • import and export formats
  • DAM alternatives

If you’re ready to manage and organize your digital assets more effectively, this session is for you.




Profile picture for user Ray Saltini
Ray Saltini

I've been an active member of the Drupal community since 2005 as a developer, business owner, trainer, consultant, and now as Director of Solutions and Consulting for FFW. I help Fortune 1,000 organizations and SMBEs adopt new technology and solve digital challenges. I've delivered training and talks in the US and Europe at community events and private engagements, including free and reduced-price training for folks just starting to learn Drupal. :-)


Time Slot
10:00am to 10:45am (3/15/24)
Bowl 001 (Level 0)
Session Category
Project Management & Consulting
Who Should Attend
Content Editors
Decision Makers
Project Managers
Site Builders

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